The Enlightened Squirrel at BMSC
Whaaaaat the actual acorn is this?
Who is this enlightened squirrel anyway?
What the heck is BMSC?
Why do I care?
All great questions young Padawan.
The Enlightened Squirrel was an inspiration while Ashara and I drove from Colorado to Wisconsin last year when we thought we were moving to the badger state to become resident cheese heads. We were on a 'home and land finding' mission for several days before returning home. Long story short: we’re staying in Colorado for the foreseeable future. We love where we live, we have fantastic views of the Rocky Mountains, our family is happy living on the farm, and we live in a very agricultural community where actual deer and antelope play. Read Ashara’s latest blog post about them antelopes.
Home on the range where the antelope play.
OK, so what about this Enlightened Squirrel dude?
Come closer and let’s explore!
[Yah, yah. We’ll get to BMSC later.]
So, Ashara and I are driving and...
Oh, how I love this subject! So much to be grateful for these days.
Let’s start with a quick update on the NOSE BLEEEEEED saga.
The post last week was all about the trials and tribulations of an almost daily occurrence of blood flow where it should not have been coming out. The update and really good news is my nose finally settled down with a daily application of warm Nasya sinus oil in each nostril since last week. Made by AROMABLISS this wonderful oil is the answer to my prayers. ‘Nuff said.
Next, our raised garden of sweet peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants have produced an amazing bounty this year! Lots of hot days, water, and sunshine helped all of those plants to go nuts! Not only those plants but the marigolds we planted 3 years ago came back with a vengeance. We planted them along the outer edges of the garden to keep the insects away and those brilliant yellow, gold, orange, and reddish flowers really work!
The honey bees love them this time of year and we...
Firstly, thank you to everyone who responded to the post last week announcing the nose bleed. Lots of well wishes and concerns for my well-being and health were sent. My heartfelt gratitude to you all.
Tuesday last week my nose started bleeding which is not unusual this time of year given the heat and very low humidity index. I’ve had too many of these inconveniences to be worried about. Remedies included a wad of tissue stuffed up the ol’ schnoz, holding still until the blood letting stopped, and taking it easy for a while afterwards.
This time was very different when I felt the onset of a gusher while at work. As I trotted...
I had a pretty serious nose bleed today that scared me ‘cuz I could not stop the gusher of blood. YECCCHHHHH!
Went to the local emergency room, the doctor said this is pretty common in Colorado with the dry air and high elevation, so he sprayed a couple of meds up my nose to shrink the membrane, applied a nose clamp to stop the flow, and eventually I was released.
Too tired to write anything else tonight.
Bye for now.
How best to describe equanimity?
According to Wikipedia:
Equanimity is a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by the experience of or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind. The virtue and value of equanimity is extolled and advocated by a number of major religions and ancient philosophies.
Another way of describing equanimity is:
I didn’t lose my sh*t during a time of high emotional stress. Instead I maintain an even keel by recognizing the moment when the stress-o-meter starts to rise and BREATHE before speaking what’s already on the tip of my tongue and ready to lash out.
Wouldn’t be a good look.
Wouldn’t be a good time.
Wouldn’t be the right thing to do.
Wouldn’t be right speech.
And, so I practice equanimity daily while I accept the situation and my response to the situation with as much grace as possible....
Quite recently Ashara and I were working with a corporate executive to have one of his teams come out for a day-long team building event with the horses. I happen to be one of the team members so I know this executive pretty well. My teammates were really looking forward to this event.
After several discussions and his assurances that he wants our team to have an event he was unable to approve due to budget constraints. When I heard this news I felt an immediate sense of loss for our team as we would miss out on effective team connection and bonding and for Ashara since the potential income was good for the books.
More than that I felt a sense of loss because I remembered that coaching is so important to me and how I define myself as someone who is in service to humanity. The decision meant that we would not be serving this small group of people and that bummed me out for a few moments. The reason was totally understandable from the executive’s budget constraint perspective. My...
I’m sensing a theme from these posts over the past few weeks. It’s the letter ‘C’. Just look at these recent titles:
What is it about the 3rd letter of the English alphabet that has literally crawled into the far reaches of my mind quietly waiting, ready to compel me as I sit ready to connect with the title and content of these recent posts?
Huh. Now I’m really curious!
Letter ‘c’ factoids: there are 72,388 words that start with the letter ‘c’.
Mind boggling!
These are some positive words that I looked up:
compassionate, courageous, creative, confident, caring, charming, curious, cheerful, considerate, and cooperative
Which words do you align with? How many define or describe you at your best?
So, what are you curious about these days?
My friend and mentor, Alan Seale posed this question in his latest Transformational Presence article,...
First, let me say "Thank You" to everyone who actually reads these posts and for everyone who sends me a comment sharing how they feel or how it helped them to reflect on their lives. BIG HUGS from me to you!
Last week I wrote about confidence. It was fun to write and share a story.
This post is all about commitment.
Like, what the actual Captain Marvel level of commitment are we supposed to have anyway?
Well, consider that if we aren’t FULLY committed to anything, what’s the point?
Imagine for a moment if your parents weren’t fully committed to creating a baby. Would you have been born? Or, if that ONE wriggly male reproductive cell out of 15-200 million of them didn’t reached the egg first? Would you have the same characteristics, physical features, and personality if it faded in the final stretch and another wriggly dude made it first?
We'll never know.
Some synonyms for the word commitment (really contemplate each one):
Oh, yes! I love this fun and tasty subject for the week.
Firstly, let’s look at some definitions of the word confidence courtesy of
1a: feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances
Examples: had perfect confidence in her ability to succeed
met the risk with brash confidence
1b: faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way
Example: have confidence in a leader
2: the quality or state of being certain : certitude
Example: they had every confidence of success
3a: a relation of trust or intimacy
Example: took his friend into his confidence
3b: reliance on another's discretion
Example: their story was told in strictest confidence
3c: support especially in a legislative body
Example: vote of confidence
4: a communication made in confidence : secret
Example: accused him of betraying a confidence
Recent posts have shed light on mediation and mindfulness, two practices that help me each and every day. Without those practices in my life I’d be a quivering mass of goo.
Like a cylinder of red jello the size of the Empire State Building attempting to hold still during a 7.6 magnitude earthquake. Fortunately, earthquakes are rare in the New York metropolitan area, so, you know it’s fairly safe to say the 1,454 foot tall jello being would be okay to stand next to.
This morning I checked email as Ashara and I were getting ready to meditate.
What was I thinking?
One of the emails that caught my attention was from Badlands Ranch, a company that sells food and treats for dogs.
Not just any dog food mind you.
Just ask Katherine Heigl.
She’s the founder.
Anyway, our recent order arrived on Tuesday which was confirmed by email. The delivery address listed our street address which is strange because we use a post...
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