The Art of You

The Art of You

Do you know how many books start or have in their title “The Art of”?

What if there were over 2,000,001 books with the title?

That’s a whole lotta books. Okay, so there's not quite that many.

I did a Google search and found 445 books that have “The Art of“ in the title.

It’s still a lot, which is quite surprising and some of them are really well-known.
Here's the top 10:
Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Peanuts: the Art of Charles M Schultz
The Art of Racing In The Rain (Damn good book!)
The Art of Stone Painting
The Secret Art of Dr. Seuss
The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life
Home comforts: The Art and Science of Maintaining House
75 years of D. C. Comics. The Art of Modern Myth Making
The Art of War
The Art of Seduction

Fascinating that “The Art of Seduction” follows immediately after “The Art of War”.

Pillage, Plunder, and Seduction?
“Sorry, m’love, but me arm is ‘anging out o’ the socket and aah’ve got a wicked ‘eadache.”

Apologies to the Monty Python troupe.

What if there was a book titled “The Art of your name here”?
Example: The Art of Ry
Ry (pronounced like ski), one of our beloved cats, happens to be “helping” me write this post. So very helpful as he lays in my lap holding one arm down with his paws. Really hard to type! Ry's art is that he's a helper. Not always the kind of help you might be looking for, but hey! He's helping.

Have you ever ruminated, contemplated or otherwise mulled over writing a book about yourself? It’s a REVELATION into your soul and frankly one of the most challenging things I’ve ever accomplished.

Get your free copy of my book “Unwinding” here.

Another challenging thing I did: I climbed up a water tower with 30,462 rungs of steel, walked (crawled) around the edges barely protected by a waist-high guardrail, then HAD TO GO BACK DOWN the 30,462 rungs of steel.

Oh, the things we did when we young and shall we say, to quote a famous doctor, “I don't know if you've got the whole picture, but he's not exactly working on all thrusters.” (credit to Dr. McCoy/DeForest Kelley and Star Trek).   

The Art of You
What does living your best life look like?
Are you living your best life right now?
Do you even wanna know?

Here’s a quick exercise:
Find a large mirror in your house look at yourself in the round windows to your soul and ask “am I living my best life right now now?“

If your answer is “yes “what are some examples you want to share?
Is there room for an even better life? What would that even be like?
If your answer is “no” what is preventing you from living your best life?

For many people living their best lives is all about the material things that they acquire, amass, cop, pick up, and store over their lifetime like ants getting ready for winter. Yes, hoping to fill The Void within themselves.

For other people, a much smaller percentage of the population, there's a desire to live a best life through inner exploration by living in the present moment and treating all beings with dignity and respect.

I’ve discovered through years of meditation, mindfulness, and a contemplative life that my best years have been when I am in a creative space that allows me to express how I feel in the moment through photography and other forms of art.

Creative expression of your emotions is a very, very powerful and insightful form of inner exploration. It works for millions of people each and every day.

“Art is not a handicraft, it is the transmission of feeling the artist has experienced.”
Leo Tolstoy

This is one example of free form art that I created tho help me release a ton of pent up dark emotion one day.
You know…the Deep Shit.

Titled ‘Acrylic Ecstasy’ after releasing THE DEEP SHIT.

If you were to create a drawing, a sketch, a painting, using clay, or any other form of expression, would you think of it as the Art of You?

The space known as the Enlightened Squirrel Healing Arts Center helps gazllions of people just like you explore what makes you tick.

As Gestaltists, we say, “who’s driving your bus, Jim?“

And, if you don’t actually know who the hell is driving your damn bus, that’s not cool.
Most people drift through life without a plan (I did for years) and don’t really know which part of themselves has a grip on the wheel. Is it fear, pain, trauma, the list goes on...

Do you really want the DEEP SHIT to rule your life?

Let’s explore it together.

Get your free copy of my book “Unwinding” here.


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